Monday, August 26, 2013

Steps going forward ...

This plan was updated 09/15/2013

In addition to our "draft concept plan," Gus Lindquist (see below for more detail on Gus's role) has contacted USA Cycling to explore the process of becoming a sanctioned event and engage with other Interior Alaska cyclists for our mutual benefit in support of competitive cycling.

Here's the plan, folks.

1. Enlist 5 to 10 like-minded individuals who are willing to volunteer their time and energy to establish a nonprofit association to promote, organize, and manage bicycle racing and tourism—including mountain bike racing and tourism—on and around the Steese Highway in Interior Alaska starting with the Steese Summer Solstice Bicycle Race from Gold Hill Alaska, between Ester and Fairbanks, to Nugget Gulch, 7.9 Miles southeast of Central on the Circle Hot Springs, over the weekend of the 2014 Summer Solstice, June 20th to 22nd. As organizer Hilding "Gus" Lindquist will select the initial members of the Board of Directors, herein called "The Board," from those who respond to this and his invitations according to the following criteria:
(a.) Are over the age of 18;

(b.) Are full or part-time Interior Alaska residents and have or are willing to develop an enthusiastic appreciation for (are or willing to become a fan of) bicycle racing and tourism—including mountain bike racing and tourism—on and around the Steese Highway in Interior Alaska;

(Please note: The current intent is to allow nonresidents with special expertise to be non-voting members of the Board of Directors and be able to participate in all deliberations except voting. Residents and nonresidents alike who are age 13 and older will be allowed to become members of  the Association. Age restrictions on activities will apply to those under 18 years of age.)

(c.) Are willing to participate in a consensus form of policy-making on a Board of Directors governed by Bylaws—Bylaws that they will write and approve initially—with administrative and operations responsibilities and duties carried out by executives of the association appointed or hired with approval by the Board of Directors for those purposes;

(d.) Have the expertise and access to the computer equipment necessary to participate in regular meetings—including monthly Board meetings—conducted over the internet;

(Please note: By the end of this October we will have begun regular planning meetings hosted by Gus on
If you meet the above criteria and would like to be considered for selection to the organizing committee for this nonprofit association, please contact Gus at for an application.

2. Organizer Hilding "Gus" Lindquist, who is working pro bono as an executive consultant to organize the association and the first Steese Summer Solstice Bicycle Race as a viable ongoing organization and continuing annual race, will perform the following:

(a.) Select the members of initial organizing Board of Directors from applicants responding to both the open and directed invitation to apply according to §1 above.

(Please note: Gus will be a non-voting member of the Board and if asked to provide executive management after the formation of the Board and election of officers will do so pro bono plus travel expenses capped at an amount to be determined by the Board. Gus considers himself a catalyst for these endeavors and not a Founder or fixture.)

(b.) Guide the initial organizing Board of Directors in writing the Bylaws for the Association including the rules for membership in the Association and provide a draft set for immediate consideration;

Gus will perform the following with the assistance of members of the Board of Directors:

(c.) File the required documents with the Federal and State of Alaska government agencies to establish the Association as a legally formed and registered nonprofit organization doing business in the State of Alaska.

(d.) Establish the start and finish lines and start times for the race's three stages.
Proposed schedule for the 2014 Steese Summer Solstice Bicycle Race:

(Note: All mile post designations are on the Steese Highway.)
Stage 1: Wednesday, June 18th: Gold Hill Alaska, 3040 George Parks Hwy  Fairbanks, to Chatanika Lodge, Mile 28.

(Pease note: The distance for Stage 1 will be determined by its route through Fairbanks. Currently the plan is to go through the the UAF Campus then follow College Road to the Steese Highway. This route is approximately 35 miles. Going around on Farmers Loop Road is approximately 38 miles.)

Stage 2: Thursday, June 19th: Chatanika Lodge, Mile 28,  to Sourdough Creek, Mile 66.

Stage 3: Friday, June 20th: Sourdough Creek, Mile 66, to 12 Mile Summit, Mile 85.

Stage 4: Saturday, June 21st, Summer Solstice, 12 Mile Summit, Mile 85, to Eagle Summit, Mile 107.

(Please note:  A primary feature of  Steese Summer Solstice Bicycle Race is that it will pause overnight at Eagle Summit to observe the Solstice.)

Stage 5: Sunday, June 22nd, Eagle Summit, Mile 107, through Central, Mile 127, to Nugget Gulch, Circle Hot Springs Road, a total distance of approximately 29 miles.
(e.) Determine the name of the Association, create a logo, establish the permanent website, and begin promoting the race and soliciting members.
 The rest will come out of the successful completion of these steps.


  1. Sounds fun! Can't wait!

    If somehow the mileage could be broken up so that it is a little more evenly disbursed throughout the three days. Although this is difficult to do since the lodges/checkpoints are not evenly spaced.

    Perhaps if the race started later in the afternoon, since it will probably only take 3-5 hours to bicycle 35 miles; so as to avoid an awkward pause in the event. For example if starting early then finishing the first day by noon and then pausing until the next day.

    Then the 75 miles the next day would be perfect since they have the day to complete. The 29 miles the last day will be a short and sweet ride since people will probably be tired by then.

    -Eric Henderson

  2. Excellent suggestion, Eric! "We" [the editorial "we" ;-) ]will adopt it in our next planning iteration.

    And what is nice about this race is that no matter the number participating, we'll have room for them. Plus each number of contestants making it a race--from 2 to 200?--will have it's own dynamic.

    I don't think we will be overwhelmed with entries for this first annual Steese Summer Solstice Bicycle Race, so it should be special for those who come. And we'll want to make it well worth remembering.

    Thanks for commenting!
